Exercising and the Busy Mom

Keon Addai

Posted on November 18 2018

Exercising and the Busy Mom

Workout? Is running behind 50 million kids all day not working out? With the holiday season fast approaching, I’m sure this is something that will cross the minds of many moms. 

How do you find time to cook, clean, teach the kids, spend quality time with your partner and exercise? Just the thought of adding another thing to our to-do list can seem daunting. However, we are “Pretty Bomb Moms” so it can be done!

As moms, we rarely get a few minutes to ourselves. Bathroom time isn’t even private time. The idea of getting to the gym or being able to workout alone is unrealistic for most of us. An easy way to fit working out into your already busy schedule is to incorporate it into your daily routine with your littles. I’ve been adding it into playtime with my boys. 

Kids often get a kick out of mimicking what we’re doing. I do cardio to nursery rhymes with my youngest boys. I know it seems lame, but it gets the job done. Plus, you find yourself not getting angry about having to workout when you hear “Baby Shark” in the background. 

We see who can plank while counting to 20 and how many seconds I can hold a wall sit while playing catch with both of them. My baby boy, Kam, weighs 27 lbs. I complete 3 sets of 10 squats using him as extra body weight. He sings his ABC’s and I try not to let the feeling of my legs turning to jelly take over my will power. 

My middle son, Jaxon, loves when I use him as a barbell to bench press. I lie down flat and lift his body weight upward. He gets the giggles at hearing mommy squeal. 

Lastly, resistance bands can be a busy mamas best friend! They can be used while doing multiple tasks. The kids find it pretty amazing that I can cut onions and use the bands simultaneously. They are also an easy way to get a quick workout in and not feel guilty. I often use them while I have the boys in the bath. They play in the bubbles and I get my mini workout on. 

If you follow some of these tips, you’ll have a simple workout routine that doesn’t take away from the to-do list or family time. I will definitely implement this a little more after the upcoming week of deliciousness I’m planning. Try it out and let me know if it works for you! 


Until next time Kuties!


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