Posted on December 02 2018

The most wonderful time of the year is here! The Addai household is all smiles as Donny Hathaway’s “This Christmas” is on repeat and the Hallmark movies are in full swing! My family loves everything about the holiday season!
This time of year brings lots of joy to many but it also gives us tremendous opportunities to teach our littles the true reason for Christmas! Regardless to your religious beliefs, we can all agree that giving anytime of year is a GREAT thing!
My oldest writes his Christmas list to Santa every year. We seal it up and drop it to the mailbox. He gets excited at the thought of getting even a fraction of what he’s written down. The two youngest don’t understand the concept yet but are happy to help their brother walk his letter out to the box. Jaylen isn’t cheeky either. He makes sure he writes a list for them. He always says, “I know what they like! Santa knows they can’t write it down yet so he’s ok with me helping them.”
In the midst of all the excitement, we always have conversations about the many people that won’t get the opportunity to write a list. There are families suffering through many afflictions such as hunger, depression, financial problems, addiction or illness. The thought of getting into the Christmas spirit isn’t even a concern for them.
We can get so caught up in the sales and shopping that we forget about those people. The individuals that are less fortunate than us.
My husband and I let Jaylen assist with many charitable efforts throughout the year but especially during this time. What we teach them while they are young will stick with them when they are old. He will remember to always be a giving soul; to bless others in order to get blessed.
This holiday season, I challenge you to do the same! Have your littles give back in some form or fashion. Take them to your local food bank, have them give away their old toys in order to get new ones, clean out the closets and drop your items at your nearest homeless shelter, donate old blankets to an animal shelter or take them to purchase a toy for Toys for Tots! The opportunities to give back or endless and many don’t require money, just time! The gift of time in invaluable!
If we are molding the future thorough our littles, let’s make sure we are giving our best effort to ensure that they will be the AMAZING change this world so desperately needs! Let’s raise individuals that possess the rare gift of compassion!
“I have shewed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said it is more blessed to give than to receive. “
Acts 20:35