It's Almost 2019
Posted on December 30 2018

It’s crazy how fast 2018 has flown by! As I sit and reflect on all this year has brought my family, my heart smiles. There were so many amazing moments that I can’t begin to count.
I finally stopped putting the things I’ve been dreaming of on hold and officially launched Kute Komplements. For years, my kids were my excuse. I felt the duty of being a wife and mother was so much that I wouldn’t have the time to truly give my all to something else. As a perfectionist, the idea of failing at something or it being mediocre hindered me. Finally, I took that leap of faith and said what the hell!
When I launched, I wanted it to be authentic, no “Perfect Patty” foolishness. If we are all honest, none of us are perfect at anything. To be able to share and connect with other mothers in the true spirit of motherhood is what I wanted. I wanted to embrace all the imperfections that come with this role - the successes, the failures and the love!
To bare my flaws, tips and fears in motherhood has been therapeutic. All of the emails or texts that read, “I’ve had rough days too”, “I struggle with trying to be perfect as well”, “Your blog helped me to reevaluate some things” and “Jaylen seems like such a sweetheart” have been heartwarming. To know that me simply sharing my truth and thoughts can impact so many is astonishing and humbling.
My plans for 2019 don’t differ much from my goals everyday. I will continue to strive to be the best person I can be, the best mother to my kids and wife to my husband. I plan to find ways to spend more quality time with my husband as well as more quality time with my kids individually. We do almost everything as a group and I feel that my kids are pulling for their one on one time with mommy! I will try to make that happen on a regular basis and continue molding the future through my littles.
I want to try to let go a little with my protectiveness. As we all know, this is a crazy world with some evil people. However, I don’t want to hinder my children's growth by being too clingy. This one will take a lot of prayers!
Lastly, I will continue to build this brand, to bare my heart and soul in writing and share my most intimate thoughts and moments with you guys!
In 2019, I wish you all nothing but success, love, peace, great health, homes filled with laughter and prosperity!
Until next time Kuties!
1 comment
Best of Luck with your new endeavor🍀
You guys look so ADORABLE in your Christmas jammies❣️
Randy & I are wishing you, Joe and those precious boys a Healthy & 🎉Happy New Year🎉 and Infinite Blessings from God❣️
L😍VE Y😘U❣️