Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with Littles
Posted on January 19 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr. was an activist and leader of the Civil Rights Movement. He dedicated his life to combatting racial inequality, poverty and segregation, while advancing the cause through nonviolence and civil disobedience. As adults, we know his history and the profound impact he has had on this nation; but for our littles, this can be very hard to understand. In their minds, he is simply the reason they have a day off from school.
There are many ways to educate our children on the significance of his legacy in ways they can understand and enjoy. Don’t let them believe this is just a rest day. Use the day to complete one of the activities below and let them realize how inspirational this great man was.
Arts & Crafts
What better way to enjoy MLK Day with your kuties then having simple conversations about fairness, justice, equality and unity while enjoying some coloring fun. Head over to crayola.com and print out their free Martin Luther King, Jr. printable. Some other great websites for coloring worksheets are education.com, primarygames.com and doodle-art-alley.com.
Writing is always fun when there’s purpose. Have the younger kids tell you about kind acts someone has shown them and write them down. When you finish writing out the list, discuss ways Dr. King showed kindness to others. It allows them to make a personal connection with the things he did for the betterment of our world.
For older children, have them write their own “I Have a Dream” speech. Their speech can detail the things they would like to accomplish and the aspirations they have for the future they’re molding. When they are finished, have them read it to the entire family.
Community Service
Martin Luther King, Jr., dedicated his life to community service. Everything he did was to evoke change and bring communities together. Have the kids show acts of selflessness. Cut the grass for an elderly neighbor, clean out the closets and take gently used clothing to a non-profit, collect food for your local food bank or head to your nearest children’s hospital to donate toys. To spend the day giving service to others would be a day well spent and a great way to honor his memory.
Read A Book
Books are such a great way to educate our littles on various subjects in a way they can comprehend. Here are a few suggestions.
A is for Activist
By: Innosanto Nagara
(Ages 3-5)
A is for Activist is an ABC board book. It addresses important values such as equality, justice and community and contains vibrant illustrations. It is sure to keep the attention of littles while teaching them about civil rights and activism.
I Have A Dream
By: Kadir Nelson
(Ages 5-9)
This book is the illustrative version of Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. The pictures are captivating! It will keep the youngest of readers engaged while teaching them powerful messages.
Free At Last: The Story of Martin Luther King, Jr.
By: Angela Bull
(Ages 8-10)
This is a biography that details Dr. King’s childhood, speeches, leadership, assassination and great influences. It’s a good read for children old enough to grasp the more detailed text.
Love Will See You Through: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Six Guiding Beliefs
By: Angela Farris Watkins
(Ages 6-11)
In this book, the niece of Dr. King discusses 6 important principles he lived by that are vital to possessing good character. It is sure to inspire and motivate.
There are so many things we can do with our children to teach them how remarkable Dr. King was. In the Addai household, I’m planning to read several quotes and explain what the meaning behind each one is. Therefore, I would like to leave you with one of my favorite quotes that helps in dealing with the chaos in the world.
“I have decided to stick to love...Hate is to great a burden to bear.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Until next time Kuties!